Thursday, January 6, 2022

Goals 2022

I've been thinking about setting goals and whether or not it's worth the effort. I can't even remember what my goals for this past year were, and I'm not eager to check and see if I met them. The pandemic has thrown everything off for me as well as many others, but as I look forward into the new year I admit that I have hoped to get certain things done.

First, the fifth Anita Ray is ready to go, so one goal is to publish and promote In Sita's Shadow. This means promotion, so . . . 


Second, I will try at least one new promotional approach in sending Anita Ray out into the world again so I can feel I'm not stagnating in that department (I won't mention backsliding).


Third, I've enjoyed doing more with my blog, so I'll continue that (or this).


Fourth, a certain magazine continues to reject my stories, even though I sometimes get a nice note from the editor. I'll keep trying to place one story in that magazine. Maybe I'm becoming obsessive, but at least I'm motivated.


That's enough pre-planning for one year. I'll leave world peace and ending poverty to those more powerful than I am.


What about your goals? Are they simple, practical steps or are they larger, more abstract?



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